Age Friendly Windham Outreach & Operations Coordination VISTA

Position Summary

Position details

Term Date: Flexible Start Dates for Year-Long Position
Location: Standish, Windham, and Raymond, ME
Focus Area: Age Friendly, Community Outreach, Disability Services, Poverty, Public Health

Join Age Friendly Windham & Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing as they collaborate with other local organizations to provide programming that can increase safety and energy efficiency for low-income and elderly residents in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine!

The mission of the Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing is to do home repairs for low-income seniors and veterans. This is a vulnerable population who want to stay in their homes but oftentimes do not have the financial ability or family members to help. Fuller Center supports poor and very poor families.  We qualify families using HUD guidelines and select on the basis of (1) need, (2) willingness to partner, and (3) ability to repay through our Greater Blessings program.  

 Age Friendly Windham (AFW) is a committee of dedicated volunteers working to help members of the community to live and age in place. AFW is dedicated to supporting the independence of our town’s residents and helping them thrive. 

The VISTA member will focus on the creation of a Home Audit program, which will collaborate with other local organizations to provide evaluation and changes that can increase safety and energy efficiency for low-income and elderly residents in Windham, Standish, and Raymond. They will also expand awareness of the mission and capabilities of both Age Friendly Windham and the Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing through enhanced outreach, PR, and marketing services; and through strengthening volunteer recruitment, engagement, and retention. These projects will allow Age Friendly Windham and Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing to evelop sustainable systems and procedures, both internally and externally, that will result in both new services available and an increase in awareness of the services offered.


  • Bi-Weekly Living Allowance of $957.46/Biweekly
  • Relocation Allowance of $750 plus $.40 per mile (for those moving more than 50 miles)
  • Health Benefits
  • Childcare Reimbursement if Eligible
  • Student Loan Forbearance for eligible federal loans (interest paid by AmeriCorps)
  • SNAP Eligibility (depending on financial situation)
  • Training and Professional Development
  • Life Navigator (on-staff licensed counselor for members)
  • Choice of Segal AmeriCorps Education Award ($7,395) or an end-of-term bonus ($1,800) upon term completion
  • Non-Competitive Eligibility for federal employment for one-year post-term

*Individuals are limited to two full Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards in their lifetime

Already have a MyAmeriCorps account and want to apply for this specific role? You can find that listing on MyAmeriCorps here.*

*note that the linked position has been updated, reflected here.


Age Friendly Windham; Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing

Standish, Windham, and Raymond, ME

Goodwill VISTA Partnership

The Goodwill VISTA Partnership works to reduce poverty in communities across Maine and New Hampshire through indirect service, such as creating and running programs, fundraising and grant writing, communications work, increasing social media presence, recruiting volunteers, as well as assisting with community assessments, among other projects. Focus areas of partner agencies include public health, food security, environmental justice, educational support, youth development, housing, and more!