Breakthrough Manchester Student Support Specialist

Position Summary

Position details

Start Date: 11/03/2023
End Date: 10/03/2024
Term Date: 11/03/23 - 10/03/2024 - Note: start and end dates may be flexible. Full and part time opportunities available.
Location: Manchester, NH
Focus Area: Youth

Breakthrough Manchester provides six years of intensive, tuition-free programming to support Manchester students from traditionally underserved communities on their path to college. We are building the next generation of teachers through competitive recruitment, coaching from master educators, and research-based training to teach through a lens of social justice ( The member will support Breakthrough Manchester college and middle school students involved in Breakthrough Programming. Whether you have always dreamed of teaching in a classroom or are considering it for the first time, serving at Breakthrough will help you prepare for a career in education while building skills that are transferable to any profession.

During School Year Programming, the member will coordinate Super Saturdays held at Derryfield School. Each month has its own theme such as identity and belonging, developing soft skills, heroes in history, empowerment day, languages around the world, and developing effective communication skills. Skill-building Saturdays include soft skills development; initial college search and test prep; campus visits; college application and financial aid assistance; and FASFA and college-readiness support. Connecting high school students with the Breakthrough College-Bound program at SNHU, the member will create a seamless pipeline of opportunity through high school and on to college matriculation. The AmeriCorps member will also be key in creating a new afterschool tutoring program for students, as well as school vacation camps! By providing ongoing youth development, the AmeriCorps will help close the opportunity gap by focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in all subject areas.

Already have a MyAmeriCorps account and want to apply for this specific role? You can find that listing on MyAmeriCorps here.


Breakthrough Manchester

Manchester, NH

Granite State Education Corps

Granite State Education Corps AmeriCorps members serve youth who have been impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), while building a foundation for youth development and academic engagement in New Hampshire schools and nonprofits.