Success Stories
Drive and support: How Donavon found a job with help from Goodwill
February 14, 2025

Donavon Palmieri found himself unemployed, but knew he wanted to go back to school and get his CDL license. He also knew Maine needed more truck drivers, but he didn’t know how to achieve this goal. With a child on the way, Donavon’s desire to get back to work increased. He connected with Goodwill Northern New England’s SNAP E&T Program, which helped him become a heavy equipment operations driver in October 2024.
“Having someone there to push me to be better was really what got me back on my feet,” Donavon said. “I feel like anybody can do it, with help from the Goodwill organization.”
Goodwill NNE’s SNAP E&T program helps people receiving SNAP benefits find work. The program connects clients with a career advisor. Career advisors help with resumes, cover letters, interview prep, finding educational/training programs and more. Clients are also eligible for financial assistance with employment-related costs, such as work clothes and shoes, supplies or textbooks.
Goodwill NNE’s SNAP E&T program helped Donavon achieve his goals of obtaining his CDL license and finding a job. Now, Donavon works for Troiano Waste Services. In his role, he operates a tri-axle front loader, which is a front-loading garbage truck with three axles at the rear. Operating the large piece of equipment requires skill, multitasking and complex maneuvers.
Donavon uses his truck’s forks to put trash into the truck’s hopper – the space it goes into before being compacted – packs it, brings it to a landfill, then pushes it out. Donavon doesn’t mind the driving involved in his work, but he truly enjoys the equipment operation.
“It makes it a lot more interesting,” he said.

Goodwill NNE’s SNAP E&T Program supported his goals
Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services referred Donavon to Goodwill NNE’s SNAP E&T program. Goodwill helped Donavon sign up for a CDL course, paid for his license and car repairs to get to and from the program, and provided gas cards for travel.
Donavon’s career advisor, Kathie Belanger, said it’s wonderful working with him.
“He’s a real go-getter. He has his goal and he’s going for it,” Belanger said. “He’s wonderful.”
Belanger also provided the emotional support Donavon needed. She helped him in a holistic way, he said.
“I’m extremely grateful for everything she and the Goodwill program did for me in the last few months,” he said.
Donavon also received hazardous materials and tanker endorsements for his CDL license through working with Goodwill NNE. These endorsements are needed for his role at Troiano Waste Services.
Donavon can better support his family with his new job, which is important to him. And Goodwill NNE will be there to support him, should he need it. Donavon moved into a job retention phase through the SNAP E&T program. This means he remains enrolled in services for 12 months as he transitions back into the workforce.
“The one thing I feel is the most important is having your own drive,” Donavon said. “Goodwill can help you with so much towards rebuilding your career, but without the effort, I wouldn’t have gone very far.”