Success Stories

Alexis helps students with disabilities find work after she sustained a brain injury

A smiling woman, Alexis, wearing a green shirt and glasses.

Alexis Wyman is a school-based Vocational Rehabilitation Career Advisor for Bootcamp, Goodwill’s work-readiness program for students with disabilities. December marked her fourth year with Goodwill. Alexis said she works for Goodwill because she loves what we stand for.

“I love that every day at my job, I get to help someone learn the skills of self-advocacy and make them feel empowered rather than smaller because of a barrier they might have,” she said.  

Alexis has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) because of a motor vehicle accident in 2016. Her whole brain was affected by the injury, which meant she had to re-learn basically everything after her accident, including walking, reading, and talking. 

“The struggles I face now are more internal such as struggles with memory, concentration, emotion regulation, and impulsivity,” Alexis said. “I wish people would know that just because I have a TBI, doesn’t mean I am any less capable. I am still my quirky, energetic, humorous self!” 

Bringing awareness and normalizing experiences

Alexis’s job brings her joy and allows her to help students with disabilities realize their potential, too.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is celebrated in October as a time to educate about disability employment issues and honor the many and varied contributions of American workers with disabilities. NDEAM brings awareness and normalizes everyone’s individual experiences, Alexis said. 

“If we all are able to see each other as a person with a life rather than just ‘someone with a disability,’ it might make someone more comfortable talking about their own experiences and bring those together with similar or different experiences,” she said. “It’s all about building a community. We’re stronger with one another.” 

Thank you, Alexis, for all you do at Goodwill and for sharing your story! Want to work with us? We’re hiring, click here for a list of open opportunities.

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