Success Stories

Victoria became a CNA with support from Goodwill

Victoria Winslow was looking for a new place to work when she discovered a dining assistant position at Quarry Hill. A few months into Victoria’s new role, a nurse at Quarry Hill suggested Victoria become a certified nursing assistant (CNA) — a higher-paying job, that felt more meaningful. Victoria connected with the Workforce Solutions team and received the emotional and financial support she needed.

She enrolled in a CNA program through Central Lincoln County Adult Education in partnership with MaineHealth, with help from Workforce Solutions.

Workforce Solutions paid for Victoria’s tuition, uniforms, work shoes and a watch for the program.

The CNA program was intensive and Victoria had lots of long days. Between lectures and practicing on medical manikins, Victoria felt her education and training was thorough.

“My career advisor helped me navigate obstacles I faced throughout the CNA program,” Victoria said. “As well as connected me with a Life Navigator.”

Victoria’s Life Navigator helped her connect with mental health resources, ensuring her success.

From CNA program to working in the field

Two employers offered Victoria jobs, dependent on her passing the state certification exam, which she did.

“Victoria not only got her certification, but she now has employment as a CNA,” said Derek Kennedy, Victoria’s career advisor. “She’s doing what she set out to do.”

The director of residential care at Quarry Hill, Ellen Wood, said she was very pleased to hire Victoria as a CNA.

“Victoria works very hard to be a good team player,” Wood said. “She also is very personable, shares her personality with our residents, which they love, and works really hard to be personalized with their service plan.”

Quarry Hill is lucky to have Victoria, she added.

Now, Victoria splits her time working at Quarry Hill and Waldo County General Hospital. She found a career that she enjoys.

“One of the things that I really took away from Workforce Solutions was that even if I felt like I had no one to go to for help,” Victoria said. “Help with whatever it may be, Workforce Solutions was always there.”

If you or someone you know needs support finding and keeping a great career, click here.

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