Success Stories

Ben finds work, love, family after incarceration: “All I needed was a chance”

When he left prison, Ben wanted to work and start over in his community. But he faced limited job options. That is until he found a job at the Topsham Goodwill store and met Hillary. 

“All I needed was a chance to get into the door,” said Ben. “Here I am today eight years later.” Goodwill gave Ben a chance, and Ben made the most of it. “I’ve made a lot of acquaintances that have turned into family now,” said Ben. That family includes his now-wife, Hillary, and their son Dominick. 

A love story blossomed at the Topsham, ME Goodwill store when Shift Supervisors Benjamin and Hillary Kaye met after Ben’s two-year long incarceration.  

“I gave Ben a chance. Goodwill gave Ben a chance. He attained my heart and a job,” said Hillary, who now works as a Shift Supervisor at the Brunswick Goodwill store. “Goodwill is like a family to us. I am very thankful for Goodwill for being so flexible [with our schedules] so we don’t miss the opportunity [to see Dominick] grow up.” 

Through working at Goodwill, Ben learned to have faith in himself. Now, Ben’s son Dominick is what keeps him going. “I just want to be the best I can be for him and everyone around me.” 

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