Success Stories

Amanda finds community fun, volunteering and friends at Goodwill’s LifeWorks program

Some days she goes bowling. Some days she helps deliver meals through the Meals on Wheels program. And every day she enjoys hanging out with friends and staff she loves.

Amanda attends Goodwill Northern New England’s LifeWorks program. The program provides as safe and engaging place for adults with disabilities and helps participants get into the community through fun activities.

Amanda is Goodwill’s 2019 award recipient of the LifeWorks client award. “I’m glad I won an award,” she says. “That’s cool.” We agree, Amanda. Congrats!

Watch her story:

Goodwill helps people improve their lives – whether through work, recovering from a brain injury or providing a safe place to call home. This work is possible because of support from people like you. Please consider a gift today to make sure people continue to build stable lives far into the future. Goodwill NNE is a nonprofit and your gift is tax deductible.

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