Public Policy at Goodwill

The public policy team at Goodwill Northern New England monitors proposed legislation in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont that could affect our ability to achieve our mission. We weigh in on proposed legislation when we believe Goodwill NNE’s support or opposition may be valuable.

Goodwill’s public policy interests

Goodwill Northern New England’s interests include employment and skills development, economic mobility, inclusion and rights of adults with disabilities, and a strong nonprofit sector. The issues we may advocate for include access to job training for marginalized populations, protection and enhancement of human services programs, and encouragement of charitable giving incentives. Occasionally, we advocate in support of or against proposals that affect the people we serve.

Our plans in 2025

Goodwill NNE established the following public policy priorities, which we monitor at the federal, state and local levels:

  • The “Benefits Cliff Effect” 
  • Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) & the larger workforce development system
  • Medicaid and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • Employment for people with a criminal record
  • Disability rights and issues
  • Tax policy (charitable giving)
  • New American workforce and related policy that impacts stability

Collaborating with nonprofit partners

When possible, we collaborate with nonprofit partners on shared areas of impact or concern. Whether we are working closely with Goodwill Industries International on a federal issue, or another nonprofit regarding local legislation, we know that a collective voice often has greater impact. We are also aware that in some cases, Goodwill NNE’s voice can lend a slightly different or more expansive perspective than other groups who are also advocating for or against the legislation proposed.

The Public Policy team provides information to keep legislators and other stakeholders apprised of Goodwill NNE’s policy priorities. Goodwill NNE often collaborates with other nonprofit partners to achieve common public policy goals that contribute to thriving communities.

A note about 14C and subminimum wage

All Goodwill NNE employees earn more than minimum wage. It’s our policy and practice is to always meet or exceed the minimum wage for all our employees. We support repealing Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act which allows employers to pay individuals with disabilities less than the minimum wage.

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