Rivers and Roads – Dreamcatchers

Position Summary

Position details

Start Date: 09/06/2024
End Date: 08/07/2025
Term Date: 09/06/2024 - 08/07/2025 - Note: start and end dates flexible. Full and part time opportunities may be available.
Location: Fryeburg, ME
Focus Area: Outdoor Education, Public Health, Youth

Rivers & Roads’ Dreamcatchers program is a six-year program that connects young people with caring adults. These relationships help young people grow into resilient, thriving, responsible young adults. The key is that trusting bond between a student and a program manager that lasts a full six years, from seventh grade through high school graduation and beyond.

Dreamcatchers students have the advantage with access to 360 degrees of support. During the school day our team leaders provide weekly 1:1 tutoring and 1:1 mentoring for academic & SEL support along with individualized enrichment opportunities for our Dreamcatchers students. Our program managers are at school bright and early Monday through Friday from 7:45am to 2:30pm to ensure the well-being of our participants. Collaborating with teachers, school administrators, guidance counselors and principals. When school is not in session students in our program will become involved in civic projects.

Our goal is for program participants to form relationships with their adult mentors and other students involved in the program – people outside of their immediate family and social circle with whom they otherwise might never connect. Through these shared experiences and relationships over their six-years in the Dreamcatchers program participants develop the confidence to take on new challenges and dream bigger dreams.

Our initiatives strive to teach our program participants the importance of empathy, kindness, responsibility and giving back. Our AmeriCorps member will do just that. At Rivers & Roads, we feed our soul, we feed our neighbors. We dream big and love to have fun! We are strengthening our life skills, relationship skills, communication skills. Simultaneously igniting a sense of purpose, pride, responsibility and stewardship. Our AmeriCorps Member will be involved in every aspect of our youth development by design program model. Working with a cohort of students providing SEL, academic support and mentoring throughout the academic school year. We want happy, motivated, engaging and energetic mentors at Rivers & Roads. Our AmeriCorps Members are active in the schools, the teen center, and engaged in the community and with families. With the expectations to be involved in all stages of our long term mentoring program model.


Rivers and Roads

Fryeburg, ME

Public Health AmeriCorps Youth Development

Public Health AmeriCorps Youth Development members serve youth who have been impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), while building a foundation for youth development and academic engagement in Maine schools and nonprofits.